Periyar University

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The Tamil Nadu Open University was established by an Act (No.27 of 2002) of the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied the especially destitute women physically challenged, working men and women ,economically weaker sections of the sOciety, and those who discontinued education for various reasons, etc. In the main, it aims to reach the hitherto unreached. The University offers many Programmes in various disciplines. Given the geographical extent population and actual need of Tamil Nadu, the setting up of Tamil Nadu Open University by the Government of Tamilnadu is the right step. We appreciate the Government of Tamil Nadu for having taken this bold and knowledgeable step. This step of the Government of Tamil Nadu shall prove a boon for women, physically challenged. rural poor and marganalised sections of the society and we are committed to support it academically as well as financially. In a short period of six months Tamil Nadu Open University has done a remarkable work.